Starting a Professional Carpet Cleaning Business - a manual by Simon Gerrard. Simon has been in the industry for over 36 years and has built up one of the UK's most successful carpet cleaning businesses.
For the past two years Simon has spent a vast amount of time putting together this manual. This is packed with extremely useful information, tips and which pitfalls to avoid. This is an invaluable resource for not only those who are just starting out or thinking about starting but also for established carpet cleaners.
The cost of this manual could be the best investment you will ever make in your business. It isn't an instruction manual on how to clean is a guide on how to start, and run, a successful carpet cleaning business.
Customer ratings for Starting a Professional Carpet Cleaning Business
Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5
An excellent read. from Anonymous on 27/09/2015
This book gives an brilliant insight into starting out properly and covering all your bases. This is not only for those who are thinking of starting out, I was already in the industry and to get an insight into a leading companies mindset is invaluable. This book gives marketing tips you may not have thought about and helps put you in the right mindset to work smarter not harder.
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