Our ever popular White Terry Towel Pieces, vacuum packed (8Kg in weight). Extremely economical.
Ideal for stain and spot removal and the cleaning of leather suites.
Also for removing fire residues from surfaces or just general cleaning/wiping.
Customer ratings for White Terry Towel Pieces (8Kg)
Number of ratings: 3
Average rating: 5
Great value and extremely useful from Anonymous on 10/03/2017
Over any given month these Towel pieces save me money. They are so cost effective I often use them once and dispose of. Cut into the ideal practical sizes they should accompany any Spot and Stain kit.
Great Product from Anonymous on 26/01/2016
Very good from Anonymous on 02/12/2014
A lot of toweling for the money! One minor issue is beware of the fragments coming off as you use them as they are roughly cut from full size towels
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