2San Sani-Fresh contains an effective bactericide and deodoriser/cleaner. The active bactericidal ingredient in Sani-Fresh kills a wide range of germs.
Sani-Fresh has a clinically clean and fresh wintergreen fragrance and effectively removes odours caused by pets, smoke, vomit etc.
Sani-Fresh is effective in hard and soft water areas and is suitable for use on all carpets, upholstery and soft furnishings that can be wet cleaned.
Sani-Fresh can also be used in washrooms, toilets, on hard surfaces and any other areas where optimum hygiene standards are required.
Dilution Rate: 1:50 (in machine or 1:16 as a General Cleaner).
pH 6
A Safety Data Sheet and Product Specification Sheet are available to download.
Have used before & think the product is excellent & very goog value, would highly reccomend.
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