Special prespray product for the removal of dry soot, carbon, fire residues, filtration soils and draught marks on carpets, fabrics and other surfaces. Highly effective on polypropylene (olefin) carpets as a pre-spray and in conjunction with B151 Oxibrite. Cationic solvent free formula "pulls out" soils by neutralising electrical charge and deodorises on application.
As a hard surface cleaner, Prochem Ultrapac Renovate is a solvent free cleaner for the removal of ingrained soils, carbon, soot, fire residues and rubber on hard and semi-porous surfaces. Excellent cleaner for fire restoration and safety flooring.
One to have... it's a must from Anonymous on 06/04/2015
Never cleaned a wet room flooring type before. The floor had been down for a little over 16 months and never been cleaned. We had 100m2 to clean, canteen area and corridor. Floor was filthy. Used this product and followed the instructions. Orange scrub brush, and hey presto floor came up looking brand new again. Allowed a little dwell time.
Can’t rate this product highly enough. Darran Squeak and Bubbles Cleaning Services Leeds.
Soot removal from Anonymous on 01/11/2014
Been involved in carpet and upholstery cleaning since 1981 and I.M.H.O. one of the best products on the market for the removal of soot.
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