Vortex Ocean Fresh is a high performance powdered prespray, specifically formulated for protein based soiling on carpets. Contains high quality enzymes which break down dirt particles into suspension for easier rinsing. Works exactly the same as our original Vortex but this version has a lovely 'Ocean Fresh' fragrance. Available in 3Kg and 15Kg
Scented version.
Mix product thoroughly.
Add 1 scoop (15ml) per 1 Litre of hot water.
Apply by sprayer, agitate if required, and allow 15 minutes dwell.
Rinse with plain water or an acidic rinse.
Always pre-test in an inconspicuous area.
A Safety Data Sheet is available below for download.
Another great product from Restoremate, outstanding performance on those really bad carpets. Cheap and efficient to use, coupled with a lovely Ocean fresh smell. Best enzyme pre spray I've used!!!!!
Great go to pre spray from Paul on 07/05/2023
Reliable results, good all rounder and smells great. Tip add a cap of citrus premium for a greasy soil boost
Good all round performance from Paul R on 07/12/2021
Never fails to disappoint. Great fragrance, dissolves beautifully, the enzyme content is great for breaking down food stains etc. Add a capful of citrus premium to boost effectiveness of traffic lanes. My go to pre - spray.
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